Early days for this project.
Take a virtual tour of Bugsworth basin on the web..
We are 3D model mapping Bugsworth Basin in the High Peak! The Gnat Hole West kilns were added recently and more will be added over time when we have spare time to go and document this. The provisional results of 3D’ing are grand. But data sets need refining.
We will be manually adding missing features like the stone crusher building and secure warehouses on a separate 3D model so you can get an idea of the scale of this complex and its significance in the industrial revolution! If we can get clever with the 3D software, we may be able recreate some moving scenes with wagons etc.
From the current 3D model. You can see the detail of failing wall by draw holes quite clearly! Sadly this appears to be due to a tree above and its roots playing havoc.
At stone crusher remains. You can see the railway tracks used to reinforce the concrete floor.
Best navigated on PC. The webpage is currently under construction and in beta so will change and 3D’s will streamline in time…. The contents of these files are under copyright. Please email roamingramblingchat@gmail.com for info on use elsewhere.
I have offline software that calculates distances, surface area and other calcs from the master file.
Frosty January 2025. Focusing on the kiln and failure of parts of (gnat hole east) draw hole dry stone walls. You can clearly see the fascinating brick lined kiln pots (x3) on top of the kiln remains.